..about me !!..

hihi! I'm fran, I use any pronouns, I'm a minor and I'm italian!! I'm an ENFJ !

..find me on ....

..likes ?!..

> yum! < videogames, music, sea life, space, science, drawing, editing, my friends, sharks, films

..interests ??..

> series < GO, Sherlock, TPN, Given, Banana Fish, DS, Urusei Yatsura

> music < David Bowie, Melanie Martinez, Gorillaz, The Smiths, Miracle Musical

..more ?!..

> games < Bandori, FNAF, DDLC, OMORI, IB, SF, Undertale, Deltarune, BS, Minecraft, LIS

..extra !..

> byf < ask to be moots, my english is not perfect, could be inactive for weeks, lmk if i follow someone weird

..important !!..

> dni < basic dni, lol1/sh0tacons, jinx readers, non-feminists, anti-atheism, proshippers, pro-war